I’ve been setting up a source version of 4.9.0.P4. Everything’s generally going OK, but I’m seeing a weird error when deploying to Android AND using custom source code.
LogPlayLevel: BuildCommand.Execute: ERROR: BUILD FAILED
LogPlayLevel: Program.Main: ERROR: AutomationTool terminated with exception:
LogPlayLevel: Program.Main: ERROR: Exception in mscorlib: Illegal characters in path.
(I’ve attached the entire log too)
I can deploy to Android without problems if I get rid of all of the source and just deploy it as a content-only project. But if I take the same project, add source code, delete intermediate/saved folders from the project folder, compile Android->Development/Android->Development Client, and deploy again: Nothing. I’ll always get that error.
I feel like I might be missing an Android binary, or something, but I don’t know what, so I wanted to double check the steps I’ve taken so far to get to this point:
- Cloned UE4 via GitHub.
- Checked out the 4.9.0.P4 Sha.
- Ran setup.bat.
- Generated project files.
- Compiled Win64->Development Editor.
- Compiled Android->Development.
- Compiled Android->Development Client.
- Switched to custom engine for our project.
- Generated project files for our project.
- Built Win64->Development Editor for our project
- Built Android->Development Client for our project
- Cleared Intermediate/Saved from our project folder.
- Deployed to Android (failed).
Again, if at this point I were to remove the source folder, delete the module from the .uproject, delete intermediate/saved and deploy, it’ll work fine!
Note: I also uninstalled all of the Nvidia/android tools from 4.8 and installed AndroidWorks-1R1-windows.exe (located in Engine/Extra/Android) with a standard install, then updated the SDK manager and installed everything in the ‘tools’ folder.
I’ve googled that error and mostly (in regards to UE4 it seems to be related to an incorrect Android SDK - notably a preview one. I definitely don’t have any of those installed). And I’ve looked for a list of different things that need to be compiled in order to deploy with both the source engine and custom native code, but couldn’t find one (if there is one, it would be extremely useful as a checklist).
Any help would be appreciated.