Delete parts of the physics body during runtime

As the title suggests I’m looking to remove parts of the physics body from the character. I have a multi-headed character with a physics body, and it’s awesome. I just added in the ability to remove individual heads, ultimately limbs and such. It’s all working, I’m just wondering if the last part could be done better.

What I’m doing right now is shrinking the head bone to 0 putting a static mesh head in it’s place. Then just let the physics on the static head take over. The physics asset on the monster still has the head cylinder though. So when the monster dies that cylinder is still being accounted for when it falls. What I’ve come up with is to just break the constraint at the Neck =>Head and just letting the head physics cylinder fall through the world until the monster dies.

It works, I’m just wondering if there is a better way. Could/Should I delete the physics head completely and if so how, I cannot find a node to handle that.


Did you ever find a good solution for this?