Datasmith Import Issues Using Sublevels

Hey all,

I’ve been having a datasmith import issue for over a month now. We are developing an architecture project with a couple different structures. Each one has its own Revit model, corresponding to a unique datasmith asset as well as a sublevel.

Importing a datasmith into each sublevel works as desired, however, when I go back into the persistent level, many meshes from each sublevel are missing. Interestingly, the assets that are missing in sublevel A are related to the assets missing in sublevel B. (for instance all the windows will be missing in both)

I thought it might be a result of duplicated/conflicting actor ID’s between sublevels, but I confirmed that was not the case.

Could this be a result of duplicated naming between Revit families or UAssets? Any other thoughts?


HI there ,

I would need to take a look at your scene to be sure.
There’s clearly something strange.
I suggest you log a issue here :

Thank you

“Each one has its own Revit model, corresponding to a unique datasmith asset as well as a sublevel.”

Could it be that in revit, unique identifiers end up overlapping across your revit scenes?