: Arena - Couch Twin Stick Slasher

Hi, I have tested next arena lightning settings, this time it’s a thunder! Check how arena looks like during rain.


Finally my Game Menu is complete enought so I can show You! It’s inspired by Darksiders 2. There is no skill select section but it will be added later, after demo


Hi there!
I wanted to show You second arena in . This one will also be in a Demo, It still requires some work, but feel free to somment and share Your thoughs! Cheers!


Poznań Game Arena 2017 attendees will be able to play the latest demo of with 2 playable modes. The campaign mode will allow participants to compete on two arenas, and those who can defeat the final boss will be awarded with a gift! Another competitive versus mode will allow 2 players to duel arm in arm, for the top high score. Apart from presenting the demo I would like to talk with everyone interested in the game and the development process.

https://thumb.ibb.co/jiCr4Q/Board_Screen03.png https://thumb.ibb.co/hmqiJk/Screenshot01.png https://thumb.ibb.co/cLUtJk/Screenshot02.png https://thumb.ibb.co/mcPhB5/Screenshot04.png https://thumb.ibb.co/nyi9r5/Screenshot05.png https://thumb.ibb.co/hiuFW5/Board_Screen01.png https://thumb.ibb.co/mcTLyk/Board_Screen02.png

Hi there!
This time I want to show You my latest enemy for first arena, he is kinda miniboss, dynamite ■■■■■■. 2 more to go for this arena and one boss for the final battle. Also there are Powerups visible on the arena. Those are buffs thrown by the crowd to aid player

For last 3 days I was streaming my rigging animation and scripting process of Cubitaur Boss in . Here You can check it :slight_smile:
https:// <- Part 2
https:// <- Part 3

This is the Oasis map, HUB where our hero will buy gear, learn new skills and enchant hit gear.
It’s in early phase, few weeks and it will be done

:slight_smile: Do You like it?

https://thumb.ibb.co/nA3Vc6/Screen_Shot_Oasis01.jpg https://thumb.ibb.co/nurGH6/Screen_Shot_Oasis02.jpg https://thumb.ibb.co/dBn1jm/Screen_Shot_Oasis03.jpg https://thumb.ibb.co/k8DJVR/Screen_Shot_Oasis04.jpg https://thumb.ibb.co/bRrix6/Screen_Shot_Oasis05.jpg https://thumb.ibb.co/k6uQAR/Screen_Shot_Oasis06.jpg

Hi there!
I havn’t write here anything for a while now. But I’m very bussy making next big game update and demo for next tests. Game was modyfied alot during this time I have added/scrypted:

Gem socketing system, similar to diablo 3, gem bonus depends on what item he will be placed into.
Secondary stats such as: Attack speed, bonus Experience, Cooldown reduction etc (16 total)
Hot seat, now while playing campaign mode, second player can sit next to You and join the game to aid You
Skills can now be bought and changed at Skill master on Hub map.
Snow Arena map Concept/tests
Many more small changes :wink:

Next demo is closer and closer. With some fixes required game start will be ready.
See how will the HUB look like and new NPC models with animations

I cant link 2 videos in one reply, so this is the Snow Arena Concept

Hi there. Dont forget about … Now : Arena… yes I have changed the name of the game, so ppl will know what this game is about right from the tittle.

I’m still working on the demo for Digital Dragons indie showcase 2018. And it’s almost done.
In addition I have decided that my game is now too much “single” player focused. So I will add few “game modes” for 2 players.
Dodgeball is one of them. And here is a test I have done in last 3 days.

Nice work! Your game smells love :wink:

I really liked your dialog and how you basically faked a new language + added english words on top of it!
In other games that use the same system they do not record one audio for each dialog though. They usually record a set of sentences (usually showcasing different emotions) that they use over and over. But you can’t add dialog-specific english words on top of this so…

Sometimes it felt like the attack sound / damage effects were unsync, can’t tell if it came from the video or the game.

I love how you decided to build an organic level selector. What I mean by that is instead of clicking what arena to play on a 2D screen you just move in a world and enter levels by yourself. As long as it does not take too long to navigate everywhere (like sometimes in Mario Galaxy 1). Funny how it led to some people feeling an ‘adventure open world game’, what apparently made you change your title :wink:

I really liked the dodgeball mode, even if I’m not necessarily a fan of side-mode for games.

The UI / overall thematic is elegant and homogeneous, good work!

I can clearly see the gamefeel work on the camera movements and shakes.

Sometimes I failed to understand how floating health bar behave. It seems they are disappearing sometimes right after it appeared whereas the enemy is not dead.

I’ll just say it again, great work :slight_smile:

EDIT: I do like the Oasis very much! But I think you only get that Oasis feeling around the water and you get the Desert feeling on the rest of the scene. And maybe the green tint of the tree lacks saturation.
EDIT2: No they maybe don’t lack saturation, I think we’re just short on blue color / water overall to improve the Oasis / Luxuriance feeling.

EDIT3: When you showcased the player avatar moving in your Oasis I had the feeling that NPC’s lacked contrast opposed to the environment. What I mean is they were hard to see even with the “!” above their head. Maybe add a rotating movement to the “!” and maybe decrease the overall visual noise in their areas (I’m not sure about this one, just make them more visible).

link to the facebook page seems to be broken…

Hi guys! I know that You are waiting for new content to show, with new kid in the house is hard to do something. BUT i I have made new trailer! You can check it and see latest changes and content in the game

Also You can see first 6 minutes of the gameplay here:

And here are some new screens from the game :slight_smile:

https://thumb.ibb.co/d4WdHd/Screenshot08.png https://thumb.ibb.co/cfUyHd/Screenshot09.png https://thumb.ibb.co/hO4Xcd/Screenshot10.png https://thumb.ibb.co/buGpOJ/Screenshot11.png https://thumb.ibb.co/jHaiiJ/Screenshot12.png

Currently i am working on additional Game modef for 2 players and for single player. There will be a Dodgeball, Endles mode, Wrestling, Whackamole and some other modes :smiley:
Like me on Facebook for latest updates

Hi there!
I have not write anything for like past 2 months… but dont worry. is goin great! For last 2 months I was focused on working with 2 new programmers assigned to the project in the company I work for Teyon. We can now work on finishing not only during the night but full time

We have launched on #Swich]() 2 days ago and we are goind streight forward. I Will show you the video soom, when the build will be more stable


I have a great news!
All 21 unique enemies (+17 reskins with new powers) 4 Super Bosses and 17 traps are finally playable!
All 1v1 minigames are almost done and i will show them in videos in next weeks


I love it.

I’m fan of the 4-biomes presentation and all the little details (like the winter spectators with big hoods). I like the reskin and the efficient use of the environment assets / color palette. I also think the bestiary is coherent with the biome it is set in.

Great job :slight_smile:

Long time with no video… Sorry but it takes so much time to record something that is not broken :slight_smile: This time I have some footage of game modes in that will unlock while playing Campaign. This is half of them, I will show the rest of them next week. All of them are so fun to play with a friend or a wife :wink:
I want to record each minigame specific video before the launch.

You can also Follow now on Artstation -> https://www.artstation.com/
There are screenshots of enviro and gear from the game

After many optimizations, the game is now running pretty smooth on Switch and it’s still looking great!

  • Bonus, first promo Art !


I have the feeling that maybe I would like to have the character I control highlighted in some sort. I saw that there is a name above characters’ head but I’m afraid I might loose track of whom I’m controlling in the middle of the fray.

Maybe also more contrast between dead and alive elements. What I mean is when I look at a combat scene in the arena I have trouble identifying instantly what is dead and what is not (basically, what is dangerous to me). Maybe a lil bit emissive on alive elements or a darker tint for dead elements…

Congrats on your Switch port! It’s not necessarily easy!

Looking forward your next update.

Amazing project, wish I could play. Look super fun!

Wow, look awesome!!! Wont to try it)