Creating thread pool with 6 threads.
(TemplateDescription.h, l138): failure to load template description …/…/…/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MetaHuman/Content/MeshFitting/Template/template_description.json: No mapping for the Unicode character exists in the target multi-byte code page.
(ActorCreationAPI.cpp, l110): failed to load template description
Same I am using a 3D scan file from Samsung Note 10+ and I’ve getting this error
let me know if you find any solution
Creating thread pool with 4 threads.
(DnaDatabaseDescription.cpp, l40): DNA Database description does not contain blend_identity model.
(DnaDatabaseDescription.cpp, l46): DNA Database description does not contain DNA database folder.
(DnaDatabaseDescription.cpp, l52): DNA Database description does not contain archetype DNA.
(ActorCreationUtils.cpp, l330): Bad input data: All vertices on the input mesh marked as invalid. Please check input mesh topology.
(ActorCreationAPI.cpp, l327): failure to rigid align: Critical error (ActorCreationUtils.cpp, l330): Bad input data: All vertices on the input mesh marked as invalid. Please check input mesh topology.