Creating multiple enemies that can kill the player

I’m Creating multiple different enemies for my game so that they all look different but i’m having trouble making them kill the player so far i’ve been able to get 4 different enemies kill the player with o component hit and on component begin overlap by linking them to the character mesh and the a collider capsule but i want to add more enemies how can i do this?

@Trinox19… welcome! :slight_smile:

First thing I’d do is check this out… “How should I go about creating a “master creature/enemy” that all other similar creatures inherit functionality from; while having different meshes and behavior?”

Then I’d search the forums here for keywords like… enemy, player, damage, health

Enemy Ends Up Killing One Another Because Of Any Damage Event, Idk What Else To Use

Use a parent BP first off for the enemies. Master_EnemyBP which has all the variables the others will have then make a child BP for each enemy. Next, use tags or a cast check. When they are deciding on doing damage, have it cast to the hit actor as your player character. If the cast fails, then it’s not the player and the enemy actors won’t carry on the function to harm each other because it fails out the function.