Creating footprints on landscape using characters foot

You could create an AnmNotify Blueprint and trigger that in the animation itself. In the blueprint you would spawn a decal at that location.

sorta like those, but you’ll use Spawn Decal at location[tml][3]

So just make sure when you create the blueprint that you extend from AnmNotify.

This is sort of a two part question which I would like some help getting an answer for. I am currently making a snow scene and would like for the character to be able to walk around the scene as if lots of snow had just fallen (This means that they are not just walking on a flat surface and are instead knee deep in snow). Secondly I would like for impressions to be made in the snow (like a footprint).

I am a very big noob when it comes to UE4 and am currently trying to make my first game and as such I don’t know what UE4 offers that will allow me to do this. I have researched for the above but never found anything. I assume that a blueprint will be necessary but any other advice advice on where to start would be great.

Thanks for the speedy reply. Ill look into what you suggested and mark you as the answer if i get anywhere.

Sorry to ask but have you any ideas on the moving through snow rather than a flat landscape idea.

I marked you as the answer, what you suggested looks like exactly what I need.