Hi guys !
I’m currently trying to create a tool for UE4’s editor, to add an actor, and in function of its properties, I want to add or remove scenecomponents attach to that actor.
So I’ve well created my module editor structure, and I’ve my actor which generates scenecomponents when it spawn in the map as well.
But I’ve little problem when it comes to modify property to regenerates scenecomponents.
I’m doing that stuff in the overrided method PostEditChangeProperty, and I can catch the new properties values. I delete properly the scenecomponents I don’t want, but after that, I can’t achieve to reload that actor directly. I try with many things, among them, calling the GetWorld()->PerformGarbageCollectionAndCleanupActors(); for exemple; but it didn’t work.
And after I delete the scenecomponents I don’t want anymore, I’m not able to create new ones. Some of them appear in the details view (if I click on an other actor of the map, and click again on my actor), but they are invisible in the map…
Thanks a lot for your help !
If you need screenshots or more details, I certainly be happy to bring you that !