Creating a firehose blueprint

I’m trying to create a (sort of) firehose, that a player can pick up, extend and drop (or connect to a specific point). I tried to do something with the cable component but for what i know it’s not possible to control the tangents of the point (then it’s always dangling), and cannot have a custom mesh.

So i tried to build a spline from a cable component, so now i can control the tangents of the points, and seems to work (i can for example control the starting point tangent so looks like the player is holding it along its forward vector, and i can attach a nozzle)

Now the problem is: how can i attach a mesh ( a custom cylindrical mesh) to the spline, that get updated every time the spline update?

Or there are other ideas to create this kind of asset?

I was trying the way to generate a spline creating points where the character is walking by, but in that case i think it’s not possible to add physics to a spline in UE…