Create skeletal animations in UE4?

For example, I want to create a short film in UE4 featuring a random character. I want to make a skeletal animaiton with it INSIDE the UE4. I don’t want to do it in blender/maya/3dsmax, I want it right inside the UE4. Unity3D got a nice little plugin called SKELE which allows you to easily create character animaitons inside the Unity3D. Is there such a function in UE4?

Hey there,

well you can open the Skeletal Mesh in UE4 and then add a new Animation from Base Pose that you can modify with TimeKeys.

BUT nothing compared to actual 3D Programs like Blender, Maya, 3dsMax, etc. I would use it to fix an Animation that I made in my 3D Modeling Program, but
never use it to actually create Animations.

I don’t know, if there is a Plugin that you could install, since I’m more a coder than an artist, but yeah, so far, I would still recommend you Blender etc, since Unreal Engine 4
is a 3D (Game) Engine and not a 3D Modeling Program. For these purposes we already have Blender etc. (: