Create scrolling history text

Hi :slight_smile:

I want to make a text scrolling over my screen from bottom to top on a black screen.
It is a history introduction, so there will be a fair amount of text.

How would that be done in the most simple way.
Do i need to make a text render with every line and make a matinee.
Or should it be print string and show on hud.

How would you make it, such that it is quick and efficient to create?

Cheers :slight_smile:


Create a black-coloured image that fills the entire canvas and a text widget that contains all of the text you want.

Use The Render Transform Translation in Y in positive to scroll it off the screen. Then create an animation that will interpolate the Y translation to negative so that it’s off the screen going up.

Thank you :smiley:

You’re very welcome.