CrashReportClient spamming folders

Is there any way to get rid (disable) Saved\Config\CrashReportClient folders? it’s created every time i’m starting any project i have with not very usefull .ini. I’m not sure why it’s created, i had this in log since i started to use ue4:

LogWindows: Failed to load 'aqProf.dll' (GetLastError=126)
LogWindows: File 'aqProf.dll' does not exist
LogWindows: Failed to load 'VtuneApi.dll' (GetLastError=126)
LogWindows: File 'VtuneApi.dll' does not exist
LogWindows: Failed to load 'VtuneApi32e.dll' (GetLastError=126)
LogWindows: File 'VtuneApi32e.dll' does not exist

But it doesn’t affect on anything actually and projects work without any problems.