Crash after I TActorIterator


I code follow by the course from the web,crash happened,and compiled again ,it report error

And in Current stage,in my own project,I can’t found the NavMeshBoundsVolume class in UE4 Version :4.23 ,by using #include “AI/Navigation/NavMeshBoundsVolume.h”.insteaded,I used #include “NavMesh/NavMeshBoundsVolume.h”,it crashed,does that anything wrong?the course use elder version of UE,I mean unsupporting or something else

and the project example couldn’t also compile successfully,report the same error with my project,the git address of the project example:GitHub - UnrealCourse/05_TestingGrounds: A Hunger-Games inspired FPS with large outdoor terrains. Advanced AI, basic networking, pickups, skeletal meshes, checkpoints and more. (ref: TG_URC),that’s my email address,hope to discuss with you,thanks

Your repository is private and what actor iterator has to do with your problem?