Hello, im planning to do a “introduction to gamedev with UE4” course in my computer science university, in Spain(UniversidadComplutense de Madrid), and im now asking for permissions to the bosses of the university. Im not an actual teacher, only a student who wants to teach other students. Im asking if it would be possible to get student licenses for a small course like that. Or if i can just download UE4 with my license and install it on the computers in the class.
Good luck !
I hope it works out!
Spreading UE4 everywhere!
It’s a great way to learn C++ actually!
I think all C++ classes should have UE4 as part of the curriculum, because its a lot more fun to learn C++ while making stuff blow up!
Its a computer science dregree, the basics of C++ are tought on the first year XD. Anyway, its definitely a good way to expand that programming knowledge and i also plan on use it to “resurrect” a gamedev student group.
Only a full time faculty member can apply. So, you would have them set up and distribute the account codes for your course, but that would be the only hurdle you would face as a student. Let me know if that clears it up for you.
Ok, ill ask the real teachers to apply for a handful of keys for the course.