Could i get an extra set of eyes on this please?


I keep getting an error off the following blueprint yet i know it DOES work as it was working last night but i had to redo it due to deleting a wrong folder (facepalm) ! Any suggestions would be great as this is driving me nuts now!




The biggest suggestion that I have for you is to use version control, on everything, all the time. Commit your changes to it incrementally as you get something working. Git, Perforce, SVN, it doesn’t matter. With that, you can just revert your changes and get back to the last working copy that you had.

If you moved stuff in folders around without exporting and then importing them you probably lost all your references and need to redo it.

When I have run into this problem it has been because I had copied a folder and things WERE referencing items that were no longer there, or they were there but not the same ones it was referencing FIRST
So you may need to redo some things.
Check the BPC Player Character BP, you may need to recreate it, or at least what is being referenced for the Set Active

Thanks for the suggestions, still no joy, the BPC_PlayerCharacter BP is there so it shouldn’t be because of that… totally stumped here :frowning:

And you’ve rebuild this BP from scratch (not copy-paste) since recovering your lost folder? Since DynamicCasts are generated engine end, even if they show the same NAMES, they may not actually contain correct references. I would recreate the CastTo fresh with a drag-off of the Get Player Character node, and then create both camera references fresh with a drag off of that.

Failing that, try replacing the Get Player Character node with a Get Player Pawn node. It will still cast to the Character BP the same (this is the node I always use so I’m not sure what weirdness the Get Player Character node might be up to)

If you still can’t get it working I’d try replacing the pure cast to the character with an impure cast, and using the cast failed output to PrintString the name of Get Player Character. Make sure that player character 0 is the actor you THINK it is, and that these camera references are pointed at the actor you expect.

Thanks Rythm for those suggestions i’ll give it a go now, and yes the entire project was created from scratch, no copying of folders or moving things around this why i’m 100% sure that this error should not be occuring.


Just to say the issue is finally fixed, i left the previous character on the test level and of course that character had the wrong class… deleted him and hit play and everything works as it should, feel free to hit me with a large blunt object!! thanks for all the help though, troubleshooting this has added more to my UE experience!
