Correct / Proper way to handle multiple weapons and to switch between them

Hi guys…

Context : I’m messing around, and working towards a FPS (think Unreal Tournament or Battlefield)

I have a WeaponBase class.
I define a struct

struct FWeaponData : public FTableRowBase {


    class USkeletalMesh* WeaponMesh;

    FString WeaponName;


Then I define these variables in the same class

    class USkeletalMeshComponent* MeshComp;

    class UDataTable* WeaponDataTable;

I then have a DataTable setup in the engine

on my BP_WeaponBase I set the Weapon Data Table to the above Weapon Data.

(Everyone with me still?)

Then on my Character class, I have the following setup:

class AWeaponBase* Weapon;

    void SwitchWeapon(TSubclassOf<class AWeaponBase> WeaponClass);

So the question is:
Is this right way to do things? Or the preferred way? Or should there be a better tutorial I should be looking at?