Copying Textures From Various Assets.

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

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Some of the building parts within the editor are not allowing textures to be copied even when it shows that there is a texture that can be copied. These assets include multiple walls from The Rig POI, ‘Business’ Assets, Mega City elevator walls and the roof tile atop Tower G (Harvesthomes Metal Roof), and a Pillar from the ‘Underground’ assets (Underground Wall C). And the “Yacht Shutter door Metal” texture.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Place down one of the listed assets. Specifics in Notes.
  2. Select the asset.
  3. Go to the texture and select the “Copy” option.
  4. Select a different asset, and then select the “Paste” option.

Expected Result

That the texture that was copied to be pasted onto the other assets.

Observed Result

The copied texture did not past onto the object and potentially wasn’t even copied in the first place.



Island Code


Additional Notes

The ‘Underground’ Pillar can be placed from the editor along with the ‘Business’ assets, the affected textures are the “Business Brick A” and the common trim texture. Mega City elevator is only able to be copied from the tower pre-fabs, the roof piece can be selected from the editor. The Rig POI assets are slightly harder to find. The specifics are “Artemis oilrig texture 01, 02 and 03” along with “oilrig trim 01”. This is also affecting the texture “Yacht Shutter door.”