I’m trying to create SVirtualWindow
as a base for my custom loading screen module following the approach from FDefaultGameMoviePlayer
where same widget is used as a base. Game launches without any issue, so does starts standalone game. But when I hit cooking content to test stuff without an editor cooking fails hitting assertion in SharedPointer.h:840
. This is due to creation of SVirtualWindow
This is how I create the widget:
VirtualWindow = SNew(SVirtualWindow);
This is snippet from FDefaultGameMoviePlayer
VirtualRenderWindow = SNew(SVirtualWindow).Size(GameWindow->GetClientSizeInScreen());
Here is UAT call stack of an error: uat_error
Please note that this is cook time error, not runtime error, so time of the widget creation shouldn’t matter.
Does anyone encounter similar issue? Is there a way to solve this? If not, is there anything else I can use as a base for displaying my slate widgets on separate thread to game thread?