Cooking and Packaging with Oculus Rift


can you guys package/cook your games for Oculus Rift in Shipment/Mode?

when I cook my game in “Shipping”-build configuration as a 32-bit application, cooking works fine, but when i start the .exe, Oculus is not supported. The game starts on the normal screen and pressing Alt Enter doesn’t help.

**The crazy thing about it: I can run all “DebugGame” or “Developement” Packagings (64 bit) **

The game works perfectly when started from editor or from icon-> “launch game”.

Packaging Settings are:

Build Config: Shipping Full Rebuild: True For Distribution: True Use Pak File: True Use OBB in APK: False

P.S. i use a 64 bit machine on Windows 8

Thank you

Best Regards

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