Hi everyone!
I am having this issue when I try to launch the application in others macbooks. I have tried both Development and Shipping modes in Build configuration to package the application and any one worked.
I have created this project on windows and now I want to package for mac. So I installed UE4 on my iMac and I am trying to package the app from here. It works fine on my iMac but in others iMacs and Macbooks it doesn´t run.
Could anyone help me please???
Hi Miguel_smoreira,
The second part of this message may point to the issue “It also may indicate missing cooked data for shader platform (e.g., OpenGL under Windows): Make sure your platform’s packaging settings include this Targeted RHI.”
Please see the solution posted here:
‘GlobalShaderCache missing’ error when executing packaged project for OSX
Also be advised projects that include more advanced rendering effects will only be able to run on Macs that support Open GL 4.1 (While it is possible to produce projects that run on Macs running Open GL 3.3, you will have to take this into consideration and exclude things like reflection, etc.) An easy way to test if this is the issue here is to see if one of your target platforms is running Open GL 4.1… if so, and it cannot open your game, then this is not the problem in this case.
Here’s a link to a table to determine which version of OpenGL the target platform is running:
OpenGL Capabilities Tables
Hi ,
Thanks you very much for your response. Finally I got to fix that problem. What I did was download Xcode for Mac from iTunes. Once installed appears new Targeted RHI and Open GL options in Project Settings menu. By setting up Metal SM4 app worked in the others macbook didn´t before.
I hope it´ll be usefull for other users in the future.
Thanks for posting the solution, I’m sure this will help others experiencing this issue!