I am trying to make a house with a door that rotates when a button is pressed. I have a working one that i want to duplicate over and over but when i select all the components and convert them to a BP and then drag and drop the BP to make a 2nd instance of the house all the animations are deleted even on the original model too. Any help would be awesome. I will attach some pictures one is the trigger box and the level sequence setup and the other is the levelBP code.
Your animation logic is in the HouseDoorOpening
Matinee as can be seen in your blueprint. So when you do what you did, you place another house in the level, but the Matinee still references the old object. Because of that only the original house door works.
To solve that you have to make the animation logic part of the house blueprint. There are different ways to do that: you can expose blueprint variables to Matinee and update it in your BP; or you can simply manually rotate the door using a Timeline. These are the two that immediately come to mind.