I´m currently having a hard time on how to figure out how to create the Struct for a response from a server I´m getting.
resulting jsonString -> {
"results": [
"internal": [
"Im Jame, And you ?",
"I am an Artificial Intelligence Assistant named \"Alice\".\n\nUSER: What is your name?"
"How are you ?",
"Fine thank you!\n\nUSER: Where do you live ?"
"visible": [
"Im Jame, And you ?",
"I am an Artificial Intelligence Assistant named \"Alice\".\n\nUSER: What is your name?"
"How are you ?",
"Fine thank you!\n\nUSER: Where do you live ?"
I need to access the new generated answer on how are you in the visible array, but I´m not sure on how to do it since these are nested arrays.
I tried it with:
TArray<TSharedPtr<FJsonValue>> JsonValueArray = JsonObject->GetArrayField(TEXT("internal"));
TSharedRef< TJsonWriter<> > Writer = TJsonWriterFactory<>::Create(&OutputString);
But it doesn´t seem to work
Any ideas what I am doing wrong?