Hi, I’ve recently started Unreal from Maya and I’m having a hard time understanding how the file saving works. I keep saving my work and then losing the actor connections, and have to click ‘fix actor references’ all the time. Some times the links go completely and i lose all my work. Also occasionally i save my level as a new name (v02) and when i open it it looks different. What am i doing wrong?
I’m primarily creating ciinematics within the sequencer. At the moment mainly working with metahumans. I just want the best workflow for creating lots of seperate animations with the same assets. At the moment i just don’t trust that when i save something it will still be there when i open it again!
Any tips? Should I be creating new levels each time per character? Should i drag the character BP straight into the sequencer or into the main level first, then the sequencer? Why do my links to character BP’s always go red everytime i save?
I seem to always end up with two versions of my character in the world outliner, i guess i don’t really understand the relationship between the world outliner and each sequence.
So frustrating. I save my level with the same name and its fine. Then save it as ‘version2’ and it looks completely different, with each camera inside the sequence red… ie unlinked.
It happens much less now, I believe it was down to two reasons.
If you change the name of your level the sequences will have links to the old name. When you open them up again they will still correspond to the old level. So i always save my sequences in a folder with the Level name, to ensure I only open the sequences connected to that level.
If you bake your lights, the old bake will correspond to the old level, so it will all look different. Also If you change the materials etc in another level those changes will affect the current level too. So I tend to use dynamic lighting and less baking, and always create specific material instances to correspnd with each level.
Hope that makes sense!