Complete deletion of an actor (files I mean)

Long story short, after compiling of an actor in VIsual Studio and placing it on a map in Unreal Editor this actor crash Unreal Editor (I send report, dont worry). After several times I figure out what exactly produce error, fix it and recompile whole actor from scratch. But looks like Visual Studio/Unreal Engine for some reason still uses buggy version of an actor, since crash continue to happens.
So, how delete files of buggy actor definition completely? Because I dont see object file, or any other compilation related file, in source folder.

Ok first of all, there is no point in reporting your own mistakes. I’m not sure if it even does anything to be honest. Anyways, you clearly didn’t fix the issue if you are still crashing. Launch the editor through Visual Studio so that you can actually debug code.

No, since Visual Studio using compilation rules, in addition to C++ rules, which provided by UE. And if such rules allows to compile flawed code, than its a bug of UE, which should be investigated by Epics. Plus, crashed window asked me nicely to send report.
In addition to that, I commented all my code in actor definition, both in header and main files, so compiler, by C++ standard, should “see” only empty constructor, begin play and tick functions. But after compilation it STILL produce same crash as before. For me it looks like Unreal header tool grabs data from commented code, which is again a bug. Because its a commented code, by language standard, which should be excluded from all compilation related actions.
So unless there are line in documentation like “C++ specific commenting symbols are not working for Unreal specific code, you should use – for single line comment and – for opening a multiline comment and ]]-- for closing” I WILL send crash report, because otherwise bug will sit there for eternity.

And error btw is simple, I used DisplayThumbnail tag wrongly, like


DisplayName="Lighting mode",
DisplayThumbnail="Mode of functioning of light source"

TEnumAsByte<LIGHTING_MODE> light_type;

while I should have used it like


DisplayName="Lighting mode",
ToolTip="Mode of functioning of light source"
TEnumAsByte<LIGHTING_MODE> light_type;

And I figure this out only by browsing header files provided with UE, CapsuleComponent.h IIRC.

So again, how delete custom actor from project completely, with all it header, main, object, symbol, etc files?