Communicate between level Bp and another Bp


In my wall Bp , I want set open variable is true when I turn on the light (press E key)


In my level Bp , I have a open variable from Wall Bp . And have a branch that condition is open variable

And my problem is that my open variable default is false , when I press E key to set status is true,

but in level Bp the branch is fail because open variable status is still false .

The way communicate between two Bp is wrong or something is wrong .

Please Help me , thank guys.

I’m pretty sure that this can be solved by using blueprint interfaces. Here is some documentation:

Here are some video-tutorials about them that you might find useful:
WTF Is? Blueprint Interface - YouTube WTF Is? Blueprint Interface by Mathew Wadstein
Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial (BP) - Basic Interfaces - YouTube Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial (BP) - Basic Interfaces by Devils D

I hope you find them useful and help you out
Greetings, XyonFox.

Hey q02,

Instead of getting all actors of class wall and getting the first one, try to drag and drop the wall actor which you want to check into the level blueprint.
Maybe you have several Walls in your level and the level blueprints checks the false one
