Commercial Stuff about Paragon,Mixamo,CGTrader and more

I want to ask whether we can use InfinityBlade, Paragon ,CGTrader free character and Mixamo animation in same project file for commercial. I want to ask this because in UE4 license says Licensed for use only with UE4 Product meanwhile i asked in reddit they all said can . so i want to ask people who have more experience with these stuff

hello, as far as i know, this mean you can use all ue4 marketplace asset only in Unreal Engine 4 commercially or not, is not allowed to buy some asset (any paragon asset, or something else from the ue4 marketplace) and use it externally with another software like unity3d, or others kind of software to handle 3d objects and used to create multimedia apps or videos.

i’m not an expert on this topic, but if i remember i watched this info on another thread, some time a go.

maybe some of the staff’s members can extend this info.