Clipping plane for FClipProjectionMatrix


I’m currently trying to adjust the near clipping plane of a SceneCapture2D to an arbitrary plane in the scene. I found the class and same named method FClipProjectionMatrix, which basically does oblique near plane clipping as I can understand from it’s source code and also already handles Unreal specific things (like Reversed Z).

Now to the question:

The documentation lists 2 parameters:

  • (FMatrix) SrcProjMat
  • (FPlane) Plane

In the SrcProjMat I would feed in the ProjectionMatrix of the SceneCapture2D, but for the Plane I don’t know how to get from my plane’s FVector position in world space to FPlane camera space position.

Can somebody please help me with the calculation from world to screen space please?
Is there maybe already a method to do so?

-Dennis :slight_smile: