Wonder if anyone else has seen this. I have a functional City Crowd Sample running in our level, single ZoneGraph spline. The MassSpawner spawns 3 extra CrowdCharacters and nowhere near the spline (at 0,0,0). If I set the Count to 40, it will spawn 43, 40 of which are perfect, walking up and down their lanes, then 3 which are 0,0,0 trying to get back to the spline. If I set the count to 1, I get 4, thus 1 behaving correctly and 3 off at 0,0,0. Any ideas what I’ve done to make the MassSpawner behave so inappropriately?
I didn’t have this problem in test levels I set up, but I can’t figure out where such a setting could be. It’s a bit nonsensical that it could spawn more than the count. They are always the first three spawned. Seems like a timing problem but I couldn’t find a good place to test that theory. Even a guess on where to look would help. This is on 5.2.1.
I found the source of this issue. It was a mistake on my part but I will leave it here in case someone else makes the same false assumption. In reading the docs, I interpreted the need to add a MassAgent component to Actors which would require the CrowdCharacters to avoid them. I got this impression from the doc that states the player character needed to be made Mass Aware and required a MassAgent as a result. The same section also said “Actors” rather than just characters. In doing so, for each Actor I added the MassAgent component to, it would generate an extra crowd actor and start them at 0,0,0.
Deleting the MassAgent component’s from Actors “in the way” of the splines corrected the issue. I’m going to explore it further and see if the configuration of a Mass Aware object (character or actor) exhibits this behavior due to the traits specified in the MassAgent of actors that are supposed to give the crowdcharacter awareness, but not be an actual agent for the MassSpawner.