Cinematic animation

Would exporting the scene and animating everything in say 3dsmax or maya be the way for cinematic animation or animate then play the game and record while i play it then ghosting the information to render. Not sure how to go about this. Thanks in advance!

A sequencer is a great tool for creating cinematic videos.

You’ll have much better control over objects than in “Play mode”

I just saw they added the sequencer was unsure what it was lol i was going to do everything in matinee but sequencer seems a lot easier more streamlined.
Im kind of bugged though I exported custom render passes base color spec opac ect ect for a beauty render the high res screen shot just exported them all out and made a huge difference with a beauty pass but the sequencer only outputted 4 and on top of that exported doubles so i had 290 frames of 4 x 2 was weird or maybe my computer bugged out not sure which. Going to have to figure it out later