Cinema 4d Cloth to Unreal


Is it possible to import Cinema 4D cloth to Unreal to use as Apex.

This is not possible since you would need to apply an Apex Cloth Modifier to the asset and Apex plugins for destruction and cloth are only available for Max and Maya.

However, all is not lost though. You can still use the stand-alone cloth tool included with the NVIDIAs SDK. You will need to register with a free account to access the downloads.

Once you download the SDK you can get to the Clothing tool by using the following file path: [APEX SDK ] / bin / vc10win32-PhysX_3.3 /

In this folder you will find the file named ClothingToolPROFILE. Opening this will be the stand-alone tool for cloth simulation using APEX.

GeoDav (One of our awesome community members!) has a tutorial for Blender and setting up cloth. The setup should be the same for you as well. Then when you get to the 5 minute mark he is using the clothing tool to do a simple flag. This should help get you started with getting cloth simulation from C4D into UE4.

Thank you!
