CineCameraComponent and UpdateCameraLens: what am I doing wrong?

I’ve tried all that I could think of, but nothing seems to change the camera lens.

#include "MyCineCameraComponent.h"
#include "Camera/CameraTypes.h"
#include "Engine/Scene.h"
#include "Math/Color.h"

	FCameraLensSettings cs;
	cs.DiaphragmBladeCount = 8;
	cs.MaxFocalLength = 2000.0f;
	cs.MinFocalLength = 10.0f;
	cs.MaxFStop = 2.8f;
	cs.MinFStop = 1.8f;
	cs.MinimumFocusDistance = 10.0f;
	LensSettings = cs;

	FCameraFocusSettings fs;
	fs.bDrawDebugFocusPlane = true;
	fs.DebugFocusPlaneColor = FColor(255.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
	FocusSettings = fs;

	DefaultLensFocalLength = 24.0f;
	DefaultLensFStop = 2.0f;

	CurrentFocalLength = 12.0f;

void MyCineCameraComponent::TickComponent(float deltaTime, ELevelTick tick, FActorComponentTickFunction *fn)
	Super::TickComponent(deltaTime, tick, fn);

	FPostProcessSettings post;
	post.bOverride_DepthOfFieldFocalDistance = true;
	post.bOverride_DepthOfFieldFstop = true;
	post.bOverride_DepthOfFieldMinFstop = true;
	post.bOverride_SceneColorTint = true;
	post.bOverride_VignetteIntensity = true;
	post.bOverride_DepthOfFieldVignetteSize = true;

	post.DepthOfFieldFstop = 2.0f;
	post.DepthOfFieldMinFstop = 1.8f;
	post.DepthOfFieldFocalDistance = 12.0f;
	post.DepthOfFieldVignetteSize = 50.0f;
	post.MotionBlurAmount = 0.0f;
	post.MotionBlurMax = 0.0f;
	post.SceneColorTint = FLinearColor(255.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
	post.VignetteIntensity = 1.0f;

	FMinimalViewInfo cl;
	cl.AspectRatio = 16.0f / 9.0f;
	cl.bConstrainAspectRatio = true;
	cl.DesiredFOV = 120.0f;
	cl.FOV = 120.0f;
	cl.PostProcessBlendWeight = 1.0f;
	cl.PostProcessSettings = post;

	UpdateCameraLens(deltaTime, cl);