Character not stopping on collide?


I am trying to play around side scrollers. I’ve been going off the side scroller template, however my project is bare boned. In the side scroller template, naturally, when your character collides with another actor, it immediately stops moving. However, in my own project, instead of stopping, my character seems to keep sliding down the object until it’s clear to keep moving past it. I’ve recorded a video just for clarity.


There’s a feature within the character movement component that locks the player to plane. Lock to the proper plane (usually Y) and you won’t have this problem.

EDIT: The setting is labeled as “Constrain to plane”. If you select the CharacterMovement component then search “plane” you see the results you’ll be using.

That did not work unfortunately. I also don’t see it checked in the sample that unreal gives you.


Nevermind it does work. I didn’t set the plane value (which would be Y in my case). However now when I back up my character is stuttering. Nonetheless this is closer than what I wanted before. Thank you very much.