Character not spawning in standalone

I tried making a build for Windows, but while in editor my character spawns just fine, after t he build, it never does. Is this because of the way I am spawning it?

void AFPS_GameModeBase::SpawnCharacter()
     FVector SpawnLocation = FVector(100.0f, 130.0f, 8.0f);
     FRotator Rot = FRotator::ZeroRotator;
     FActorSpawnParameters SpawnParams = FActorSpawnParameters();

     TSoftClassPtr<AActor> ActorBpClass = TSoftClassPtr<AActor>(FSoftObjectPath(TEXT("Blueprint'/Game/Characters/Quinn/Blueprints/BP_Quinn.BP_Quinn_C'")));
     UClass* LoadedBpAsset = ActorBpClass.LoadSynchronous();
     APawn* Current = Cast<APawn>(GetWorld()->SpawnActor(LoadedBpAsset, &SpawnLocation, &Rot, SpawnParams));

     APlayerController* PlayerController = UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerController(GetWorld(), 0);

Solved. Apparently, in stand-alone it doesn’t spawn, but it does when packaging.

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