Character falls in the world and the menu shows up

Hello there!

So basically I’am making a 2D side scroller game for a final project in my school and I have been watching some tutorials through Youtube and through this forums on how to make the game, and right now its going well as it really looks like a 2D game hehehe. I have everything set to go but I have an issue…- Whenever my character falls through a hole and dies she
doesn’t respawn nor resets the level and this is a bit annoying since I’ve been searching everywhere for answer and can’t find it.

What I mean is, whenever my character falls down through a hole and dies by the world, I want the menu I have set to pop up so that the user is allowed to play again or simply quit the game. If someone could help me out, I would appreciate alot!

You can set it up so there is a trigger box at the bottom of the hole. When the player overlaps the box you can create the widget and add it to viewport. If you need help with exactly how to get this working let me know and I can help ya.