Character falling from the floor when respawining

I searched a lot about it and didn’t find any solution, please, help me.

normally this points to a false collision setting on your character mesh. it should block static (I think the floor is static)

i used all the options and it didn’t fix the problem
Screenshot (435)

Looks like your respawn point is below the map… …maybe???

yeah, i don’t know why and how to fix it

Maybe share your character’s death code. Also, maybe share how you character is spawning into the game map.

i actually fixed the problem but now i can’t move my character after respawning.
my widget blueprint:

death - respawning blueprint on my character:


Maybe your character is stuck in a mesh or the landscape? What if you make sure you are not in a mesh or landscape and respawn in the air above your landscape allowing the character to fall onto the landscape? If you do this, can you still not move after your character “lands” on the landscape?

A tad nervous that you are destroying your actor and at the approximate same game time instance you are creating another actor all from within the soon to be destroyed actor. Something to try if you are still stuck would be call an event in the player controller to spawn a new character. Could add a 0.2 delay in that player controller event to allow the old actor to be destroyed prior to creating a new actor.

i started from scratch again and my character can’t move after respawning(i also realized i can’t exit from the game mode using ESC), i removed a lot of stuff in my code but the problem persists. I think i can’t call an event via player controller.
My new blueprints, could you say what it would be better here to solve this problem?