Character Doesn’t Move When Playing Animation

Hi all,

If I place my character BP in the default pawn class in the game mode and start the level, my character will animate according to the Anim BP but won’t move from its place (walk animation won’t move forward/backwards). But if I place the character in the scene and enable auto posses player with player 0, it will move correctly.
Why does this happen?

I’m using a Character class BP along with anim BP with root motion from everything (root motion is enabled in the animations as well).

Hey @T4l_R!

A few questions:

  • Do you have a player start?
  • What do you have your default game mode set to?
  • Does your game mode have the correct pawn set as the default?

Any additional specifics or information you provide may go a long way in solving your problem!

I do have a player start
I override the game mode in the world settings with a custom one (child of game mode base) and it contains the right default pawn class.
As the default pawn, I’m using a pawn BP that contains inside of it another character BP as child component (it’s used for the avatar itself - I’m using it in different pawn BP for different game modes. The animBP are applied to the avatar itself and not the pawn itself).