Changing properties of different types of materials at the same time?

Silly example, but in geometry dash there is a grouping system that allows multiple objects to be effected by the same trigger, no matter the type. Is there any way to do this with unreal objects? For example scaling?

The real problem is that I need to select which mesh/material needs to be changed, but while selecting multiple objects they may differ.

Here is the video of how geometry dash works:

Thanks in advance

Hey @mrcoolnumber6! Welcome to the forums!

Rather than using one grouping to select multiple objects, you can send an event that affects multiple blueprints. Check out this non-Epic affiliate explanation of how it works:

I hope the above is the solution you need!

Aye, Event Dispatchers would shine here if you wanted to communicate with objects. Another great feature when working with materials:

Think of it as of a global variable materials can utilise.

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