Hi all…
I’m needing some direction on how to cast from umg to actor class blueprint. so i can trigger a custom event inside it.
All my attempts have failed.
Hi all…
I’m needing some direction on how to cast from umg to actor class blueprint. so i can trigger a custom event inside it.
All my attempts have failed.
What exactly did you try and how does your blueprint look like?
Maybe it’s something in your setup you didn’t think of.
You could also try checking out Blueprint Interfaces which basically do exactly this. Call a function within a different blueprint.
Yes i will make some screenshots of what im doing…
But i have already tried interfaces and ended up same issue. that im unable to fire the interface/event inside my actor class bp… i will be back later with some screenshots.
Hopefully you can see if ive made a mistake.
Quick question: How do you get your actor?
You need to cast something to your actor. How do you get that?
He means like a button in your interface which opens a door for example.
What do you mean cast from umg to actor, umg classes are not related to actor.
DId you get a moment to check out my screenshots
In your screenshot your first Tried is the one to use. The Interface Messenger version of the interface function,not the local version of the function. The messenger function has an envelope icon on the right corner.
How do you set BP_LvlBlock?
Where did you set your variables?
It looks like you used Variables of the correct type but empty once meaning you only have an empty reference to a correct object which is not able to do anything at all
Yes, thank you. i have already figured out where i was going wrong…
i was trying to fire a custom event in one BP from umg