Capture item not being dropped when player leaves game

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

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When a player with a capture item leaves the game the item is not dropped or returned to the capture item spawner.
In island settings we have eliminated players keeping their items. We handle dropping the capture item on death with an item remover - this works fine. However, using an item remover does not work when a player is leaving the game using the PlayerRemovedEvent.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Set up a capture item spawner with some item and an item remover set to drop that item from the players inventory
  2. Be sure island settings have eliminated players keeping their items on death
  3. Subscribe to PlayerRemovedEvent in verse and use the item remover to remove the capture item from their inventory when that event fires
  4. Have a player leave the game with a capture item in their inventory

Expected Result

When the player leaves the game the capture item should be removed from the players inventory when the PlayerRemovedEvent fires.

Observed Result

The item is not dropped from the players inventory. The player leaves the game keeping the capture item. The item also never returns to the item spawner.



Island Code


Additional Notes

We would like players to keep their inventories when being eliminated. So it’d be ideal to find a solution or workaround for dropping the capture item from a players inventory when leaving the game.

This does not seem to be an issue when the flag is the capture item, but for items that are not the flag.

The status of FORT-721983 incident has been moved from ‘Backlogged’ to ‘Closed’. Resolution Reason: ‘Fixed’

The status of FORT-721984 incident has been moved from ‘Needs Triage’ to ‘Needs More Info’.