Can't show mouse cursor in interact event

I have a character that shows a widget if you interact with it, and then I want a mouse cursor for that widget, but it doesn’t show for some reason. The disable/enable input doesn’t affect the outcome(I’ve tried without them).

What does for that widget mean here? Do you mean a special cursor that is dedicated to this widget only? Do you see no cursor at all?!

I meant for the widget that is created in the blueprint shown in the screenshot, but just a mouse cursor that works will do. No, I don’t see a mouse cursor at all.

Providing the above script does get called (does it?), the only thing that comes to mind is a full screen visible widget that hides the cursor. Because any widget gets to choose what happens to the cursor:


Or you’ve set up an invisible hardware / software cursor. Not enough info (for me, at least) to deduct anything else.

Well, the widget does have a canvas, so can that hide the cursor?

Not by default, you’d need to explicitly make it Visible and set cursor to None - these are not default settings. And then also do so for every single element in the widget… highly implausible. So it’s probably something else. Something else hides the cursor? Something else sets the Input Mode to Game Only?

I can’t think of anything else that would hide the cursor, but I can show you the rest of the blueprint in case there is a conflict somewhere. It’s for linetracing and showing the interact widget :

I also experimented a little and found out I can enable the mouse cursor with the right mourse button via a button event in the same blueprint.

I can enable the mouse cursor with the right mourse button via a button event in the same blueprint.

Does your original script get called then? It looks fine.

This bit is a tad strange:

You already have a component that can instantiate a widget yet you manually spawn a new one every time. You could just show / hide component rather than have it orphan existing widget every time and potentially leak memory in case Garbage Collection gets confused here.

But that is probably unrelated. Don’t mind me, I’m poking holes in stuff as I have no idea why the cursor would not be showing when asked to. :innocent: