This might sound stupid but I already know the problem I just dont know how to solve it. So when you press play everythings fine, the main menu level loads and when you press the play button it loads the spawn map, but then when you open the pause menu and select the main menu button, it “loads the main menu level” but I still see the spawn map and I cant move. So clearly the issue is that I go from controlling a possesed pawn and In the first person gamemode, to the main menu gameode, with no pawn. But I need two seperate gamemodes because on construction of the player pawn, the widgets get loaded, which I obviously don’t want on top of the main menu.
Nvm I solved it, I just made a new pawn for the menu, then possessed the new pawn,
This is in the main menu level blueprint
This is the pause menu when you open the main menu, Idk if you need the unpossess but I cant be bothered to find out
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