I would like to get tutorial code working for my game if someone on here can help me to track down what’s wrong with the code to make this foot adjustment system fire. The feet are tracing the stairs but not adjusting the foot height on them and I don’t know why. The animation is flowing through the graph on Idle State and The tracers on the feet are working to detect the terrain so I know the foot bone sockets are working, but for some unknown reason its not adjusting the and it should according to the tutorial adjusting the feet when you walk on
uneven ground.
In the tutorial the guy used an Idle Walk Run Blendspace and put the foot anim bone code betwen that and final anim state but he started off from a fresh new blueprint, But In my anim graph there’s only just IDLE state with a RIFLE HIP anim idle connected. So I disconnected the Idle Rifle Hip node, and inserted in an Idle Walk Run BS along with the speed variable which is set to 0, then inserted in the rest of the foot bone anim code because I didn’t know really where to put this code.
The virtual IK bones for left and right foot have also been added to the main root of my skeleton.
I posted most of the screenshots of the code, so does anyone know what the problem is why the foot is not adjusting to
the height of the terrain?