Cannot generate project files in Gynoid sample

When attempting to run the command to generate VS projects for the Gynoid sample, I get the following error:
UnrealBuildTool Exception: ERROR: Not expecting project Intermediate\ProjectFiles\UE4.vcxproj to already have a target rules of with configuration name Game (UE4GameTarget) while trying to add: GinoidTarget

I am running from a custom built version of the editor.

Hey RTotter:

Have you tried to delete the project ,and recreate it by UnrealEngineInstaller?
Which is the version of engine that is being used ? I know the command will invoke the UBT tool when you attempting to run the command to generate VS Projects. And the location of it is the UnreaEngineInstaller was installed path.Maybe you can try to build the UBT, and replace the old one which in the UnrealEngineInstaller path.

I will show you the generate vs project log. you can modify code for getting more message about it. Please see the check build rules… line.


This is trying to open it immediately after doing so. I was never able to load the project with that version of the engine. But the current 4.5 preview is working fine, so I’m considering this a non-issue for now.