Cannot build UE4.13 release with xCode8.0 on Mac 10.12 Sierra

There was a similar question MacOS 10.12 beta / Xcode 8.0 build issues - Platform & Builds - Unreal Engine Forums, but my trouble is different.

When open UE workspace with xcode, sometime the xcode will sooner eat about 65G memory and became no response.

When I try to run a cpp project : third person template project on iPhone through xcode, if I click the project, xcode show that: Xcode failed to parse the contents of Info.plist.

May be this is a clue why it work on xcode 8.0?

Please Epic help us, we need a hotfix for this, we are almost touch the deadline and suffer this problem, we had to stop work for almost one week!

I will try UE413.1 to have a check.

Hello feiwvn,

This memory usage issue and currently known and a fix for it is coming in an upcoming update for Xcode from Apple. In the meantime, I would suggest checking this post for a temporary workaround to avoid this memory problem. I’m not sure if this is directly related to the other problem you’re having, but let me know if you have any more issues after trying that workaround.