Hello again!
This time my issues are with packaged project struggles. It seems I cannot access the game menu from either the Standalone Game window or when I package the project and play it as an .exe file. (I’m using the basic ShooterGame preset)
The backstory is that; I messed up when saving my project file and saved my level as a .umap instead (which I have since put in >content >maps), I did have issues with viewing the level in the Standalone Game window but that was solved yesterday by a very helpful Adam Davis.
So I went to test-package my project today in preparation for a University deadline and after fiddling around with the Project Settings (specifically maps & modes) I finally managed to get my level to be view-able. But the only error I have now is that I can’t seem to access the main menu either in UE4 or outside as a seperate file, even if I change the game mode in the Maps & Modes settings.
Here’s some info if it helps;
Version 4.3.1
Maps and modes settings -
Game default map - /Game/Maps/Realtimeenvironmentjack (the previously mentioned .umap file/my level)
Editor Startup Map - /Game/Maps/Realtimeenvironmentjack
Server Default Map - /Game/Maps/Realtimeenvironmentjack
DefaultGameMode - ShooterGame_FreeForAll
Global Default Server Game Mode - ShooterGame_FreeForAll
Any ideas?