Can you arbitrarily move an object from Verse?

Can you set the location of an actor/prop programmatically?

Yes. Props can be moved with TeleportTo, MoveTo, and the more complex animation_controller.

See the following APIs:

    # A Fortnite prop that has been placed or spawned in the island.
    creative_prop<native><public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_object, invalidatable):
        # Teleport the `creative_prop` to the specified `Position` and `Rotation`.
        TeleportTo<public>(Position:vector3, Rotation:rotation)<transacts><decides>:void = external {}

        # Move the `creative_prop` to the specified `Position` and `Rotation` over the specified time. If an animation
        # is currently playing on the `creative_prop` it will be stopped and put into the `AnimationNotSet` state.
        MoveTo<public>(Position:vector3, Rotation:rotation, OverTime:float)<suspends>:move_to_result = external {}

        # Returns an `animation_controller` used to animate `Prop`. Only a subset of `creative_prop` types can be
        # animated, though this may change in the future. A few examples of props that cannot be animated yet are:
        #  * Walls attached to buildings
        #  * Treasure chests
        #  * Loot llamas
        (Prop:creative_prop).GetAnimationController<public>()<transacts><decides>:animation_controller = external {}