I know, weird question. But while I work on games, I heard about UE4 is able to create apps, however, its heavy on performance, but I would like a short answer at least to “Can I create a separate game engine using UE4”. Why? Because it could be useful if I wanna create an easy simple engine to create something like specifically a 3D puzzle creator or something. You can also think of it as “Can I create a UGC game in UE4?”
UE4 is highly modular and there 3 main modules that engine (and effectivly your game) is build on, Core and CoreUObject which contains UObject, reflection system, all logical core feature and there Engine it self which contains Actor and world instances and all engine core features (actor components etc).
You can build programs on Core and CoreUObject alone by making program module or custom target, and you can use Slate modules to make UI on it, some asstent tools are made that way, most notibly UnrealHeaderTool (header file paser) or ShaderCompileWorker (Shader compiler), or more UI example UnrealInsights (TraceInsights module in Devlopment?). But i don’t know how this code fits to EULA, it might just be treated as Unreal game, you need to study that
That said making own engine module would be quite complex things to do, i don’t know why you even want to use UE4 at that point you may as well make your own engine game from 0 (which it’s not crazy idea if oyu got skills, as lot of games even indie does that), this way you wont be bound to Epic design thought process as well as UE4 EULA
Maybe explain why you need UE4 for “your engine”?
Can I create a separate game engine
using UE4
If you need to ask that question, then the answer is no.
Can a single, incredibly experienced and motivated individual do it?
Highly unlikely; they will know better than to even start.
Cay I create an in-game editor that
allows for creating simple mini games?
Absolutely yes.
UGC can be made. Procedural meshes, modular instancing and creating textures in real time can be done.
I wanna create an easy simple engine
to create something like specifically
a 3D puzzle creator or something
You’d better off writing tools, utility blueprints, function libraries and plugins.
I’ve understood more about the engine towards the question i’ve asked, thanks! However the answer by “Everynone” is really what i’ve been looking for, I appriciate the information you have given, and it does help me understand more about the UE4 editor!
Just what i’ve been looking for, thanks! I was hoping to create a UGC game 100%, so thanks so much for answering “Absolutley yes.”. I understand now that it really isnt possible to create another “Game Engine” in UE4, thanks!!!