Can someone walk me through mesh instances?

This is what I assume I am meant to do (I’ve done this as a picture to make it 100% clear)

(obviously I would connect transforms etc)

Either way, this doesn’t work. It doesn’t complain, I just get nothing

I do a lot of procedural stuff so I make a lot of static meshes in the BP, but I’ve tried to a do a starfield (looks good) but needs 10,000+ stars to look good and it’s starting to slow down. I’m hoping this can speed things up

I also didn’t quite understand how instanced static meshes work at first, so here it is:

You only need one instanced static mesh component per static mesh, e.g. your star, so far it works just like a static mesh component. However now you call “Add Instance” on the component to add a new instance of the static mesh. You also provide a transform to it so you can place each instance how you want.

The limitations are that you can only have one mesh configuration per instance component. So if you change the material for it you change the material for all static meshes that are instanced by the component and likewise if you call “Set Static Mesh”.


Ok, fair enough with those limitations, but in the picture I supplied have I selected the correct nodes? What I have done, is that correct?

This is how I use it (creates a few trees in a certain radius):

Not sure about the component template, I don’t think it is useful to have a static mesh component as well, because all it does is wasting resources (unless you plan to do something else with it).


Thanks man, I will grok that **** and dominate the star scene. I really appreciate your help and example :slight_smile:

I think I get it now. You add the instance component, which itself adds nothing to the scene, and then you add instances and they are in the scene. Is that correct?

I always assumed that an instance was an instance of a mesh already in the scene. Appreciate the help and clarity of your example.

Yes that is precisely how it works and also exactly how first got it wrong :wink:

Thanks! You’ve been a great help