Can someone explain "has the ReceiveTick Event Tick, but it can never tick" Warning?

I placed Event Tick in my Camera Blueprint and when I Compile I see the Warning “Blueprint Camera_C has the ReceiveTick Event Tick event, but it can never tick”.

Seems odd, what’s wrong?

Thank you

i have the same issue :frowning:

Why you initiating camera on every tick?

I got it working, not sure if this is the right way of doing it, but what i did was make a custom event, and then on the game mode blueprint, i cast it, and use a tick there to trigger it.

In my case, i want it to update to follow the player dynamically, so i created a new blueprint based off the camera actor. Is there another way to make sure it auto updates?

I’m having the same issue. I thought the Camera Actor would call Tick, but it doesn’t seem to.

The solution I came up with was to reparent my Blueprint to a basic Actor class and add a Camera Component. Everything works about the same, but I don’t get all the camera controls in the details panel. :confused:

This is probably a better solution than referencing the camera from the game or another Blueprint as that breaks OO standards (not that classing it from Actor doesn’t tho)

I’d like to hear the logic behind not having a Tick function called in a Camera Actor class as it seems likely to need it.

That basically creates the same setup as an Actor blueprint with a Camera Component as the root (You can see this my hovering over the blueprint in the content browser).

On a slightly off-topic note: I’m wondering if, rather than having a tick on the camera (Which eats up resources, etc.) you can’t just have the logic in the PC where when the player is dead, the camera gets spawned, moved to the right place and switched over using the camera manager.

My setup is slightly different, but what I did was go to the modes panel, clicked basic and drug a camera out into the level. Then with the camera selected, hit replace with composited blueprint down in the details panel. This gave me a blueprint with the camera as the root component and no other components in the blueprint. I recall having the same error message though… I’m not 100% on the order of steps I went through, but I’m pretty sure that the error was after I removed the BP from the level (I was going to try and spawn it).

It’s working now with no errors. What I ended up doing was just dragging the BP into the level, but not actually using it until a set point. Basically, I wanted a death cam that wouldn’t cause the camera to jump location/rotation when my character died and I called destroy actor on it. The way it’s set up, event tick checks my game mode BP for a player died bool. If it’s false, I get the player, then the camera that’s attached to the player, and use it’s location to set the location of my “death cam” (basically dragging it around with me). When the player dies, the bool returns true, at which point the death cam becomes the active cam, and the player’s location is used to “find look at rotation”, pointing the camera at the player. The player then can be destroyed and the camera doesn’t jump anywhere.

I don’t have any actual movement attached to the camera though, so I don’t know if any of this helps or not. I do have the event tick working with the camera though, so maybe this’ll help get you going. Any questions feel free to ask.

They’re the same, I just couldn’t remember what made event tick start working, but I knew it was working for me, so I just listed everything I did.

As for spawning and using the camera manager, I played around with doing just that, but I’m not familiar enough with the camera manager to make it work. Ideally, that would be the way to go. I’ll take another look and see if I can dig up more info on the manager. If I manage to get it working, I’ll post back here.

Well, I did manage to get the camera to spawn so I’m not dragging it around with me, but I still haven’t had any luck with the camera manager. I had to put the camera swap in the new camera BP with a bool from the player character used as flow control. So, I wasn’t able to get rid of the event tick inside the new camera BP, but at least it’s only checking the bool and stopping until death… better than the overhead of dragging the thing around constantly. Sorry I wasn’t able to be more help.

Camera Component? :stuck_out_tongue: