Can meshes be instanced across blueprints?

Say I have a blueprint which contains an instance of a (hierarchical) instanced static mesh component with a static mesh X assigned. If I place n instances of the blueprint into the level, X is drawn n times (once per blueprint). Is there a way to wire up the blueprints in a way such that X is only drawn once without consolidating the blueprints?

I’m curious about this as well. I’m spawning a bunch of blueprint actors that all use the same static mesh. But from my understanding I won’t see any gains by switching to instanced static mesh because each actor is still its own draw call. I need to have it setup this way because each actor has some movement and hit detection logic in its blueprint.

Now that I think about it, maybe I could have a master BP adding instanced static meshes, and then run what I currently have as their BP network in a for each loop.